Despite the score Aces had an exceptional game! Given the warm weather, effort from every single person was 100% today and we worked really well as a team (as always😘)
Through the first 3 quarters we remained controlled and positive. Unfortunately in the final quarter Blackhorse brought their A-game and took the lead, awarding them the win. Movement and feeding into the attacking D was great with only a few interceptions from the Blackhorse defence! Not to toot our own horns (however) the defensive pressure from both Katie Brown and myself was beautiful 😙👌🏻Some great turnovers from Izzy and Pippa! The movement of the ball from defence into attack was honestly lovely to watch. Moving into the attacking support from Sarah, Gemma Ward & Chloe- this worked really well with some great moves! As previously mentioned, some great feeds and work around the D from our attackers! Shooting was great to watch and despite being up against some great defenders, and the pressure of a tight score, Grace Taylor, Gem & Chloe all had a great game with some beautiful shots!
To conclude,I am super thrilled with today’s performance. We will get them next time!!Well done girlies 😘😘
final score : 36-31❤️🖤
Written by Leah – Aces player