Diamonds lose their sparkle towards the end

01/12/24 – Match report by Mary – player of the match

Diamonds vs Jaguar 2
With the scores neck and neck throughout the match, the win just slipped through our fingers in the last quarter so the end score was 39-27 to Jaguar.

In Q1 we started off in the lead with some amazing shots from Chloe and Katie, their rebounds were very strong here too. With Georgina out for this first quarter we borrowed a Queen Millie who played excellent as Keeper.
Q2 Here the jaguar defence got stronger which meant we had to work around the semi circle more which was easy with Eliza and Chiara making great offers and using the pockets well.
In Q3 Me and Georgina made the decision to double mark the shooter which provided effective as between us we made many interceptions. Georgina’s epic lean was able to put the attackers off too. Despite this, Jaguar were still in the lead.
By Q4 the score kept getting further away with more impressive passing from Jaguar which just got around our defence. We maintained the pressure across the court but it wasn’t quite enough.

Well played everyone, we will get them next time 💎❤️